Side yard garden with critter fence

Finding the best spot for a home food garden can be a challenge. The backyard is usually the location of choice but may be too shady, sloped, wet, etc. There has been a small but growing movement to convert front yards to vegetable gardens and edible landscapes. A few years ago a neighbor created an attractive side yard vegetable and herb garden that blends nicely into the landscape. It’s a wonderful example of how to make a yard more interesting, beautiful, and useful!

 The two-part fence- wire mesh at the bottom for rabbits and groundhogs, and black deer netting at the top- is supported by pieces of bamboo. The fence is only about 5 ft. tall which makes it less noticeable and more in scale with the house and landscape. There are many deer in the neighborhood but none have jumped in, perhaps because the garden is small and right next to the house.

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